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Link-ify the SIGCSE Program for Great Good

The SIGCSE web program has onclick instead of href…

Use anchor tags if you’re making a hyperlink

Assistive Tech Developers are just the best. In the hellscape that is the web, they manage to do amazing things. Let’s help a pal out and follow web standards and accessibility guidelines whenever possible.


There are 2 scenarios that I’m thinking of where this most often happens (#1 is most likely better off as a <button>):

  1. webdev wants to perform an action when the user clicks, uses an anchor tag without an href (which is invalid) and listens for the click event. This one seems to be covered all over the web. I’m a North Carolinian… sort of, so I’ll just link NC State on this one.
  2. webdev has code that mostly does a bunch of other things great, doesn’t want to break a bunch of old code and style, but does want to be able to link out to another page, so they apply a click handler that updates the window.location turning some non-anchor element into a link.

The SIGCSE 2024 web program has a bunch of these. I’m fearful of falling for the fallacy of Chesterson’s Fence or whatever, so I’ll mention it to the organizers (do you think I hit up the Universal Design Chairs or the Web and Data Chairs? WHY NOT BOTH?! 😆). In the meantime I have a little userscript

document.querySelectorAll('.search-result[onclick^="location.href="]').forEach((searchResult) => {
  const header = searchResult.getElementsByTagName('h4')[0]
  const loc = searchResult.getAttribute('onclick').match(/.+'([^']+)'/)[1]
  const inner = header.innerHTML
  if (loc && inner) {
    header.innerHTML = `<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="${loc}">${inner} <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></i></a>`

but if userscripts aren’t your bag, maybe bookmarklets are? you can drag the following to your bookmark toolbar then click it while on the SIGCSE web Program search results pages to have links that you can run down opening in the background if you press your magic hotkeys or just open in a tab for you if you basic click them.

Link-ify SIGCSE Program Search Results

Day 1 with the Bullet Journal

Set the thing up last night, here goes everything.

Setting up the Bullet Journal

Not sure I remember where the next step is…

Not sure I remember where the next action item after Mental Inventory is, but I’m going setup the journal next following the end of Part 2 - The System: Set up (pg.118).

  • ~2.5 hours, mostly flipping to pg 118
  • think I finished. didn’t aim to do a daily reflection this evening

Just starting the Bullet Journal Method

Got the book, read a good 150 pages or so, now…. how to actually start?!

Beginning (again) with the Mental Inventory

From Part 1 - The Preparation: Decluttering Your Mind (pg. 34).

This was difficult for me to do in 1 sitting. I also don’t feel like it’s necessarily done?

Where in this book is the next step??

Nathan’s right that it feels rather self-helpy, doesn’t mean it’s bad tho? Also bc I abbreviated it once to “BuJo” and i guess that sounds almost like (el) brujo, so we enjoy calling it that now.

It's Mario Kart on a Bike!

John told me zwift is Mario Kart on a Bike… so I bought a ‘smart trainer’ to try it out…

I got it for Christmas for myself over a year ago…

Pressure? John says 40 psi in rear and 38 in front based on like my bike, tires, and weight.

There’s also this pdf that has ranges

maybe this is my manual?

loosen the thing to get the bike on there

there’s a light on the power adapter, but that’s not the status light the manual is talking about

it was way too hard, it should keep spinning once I stop pedaling

loosened it, seems much better, actually possible to complete calibration 😆

app is sideways (on iphone)

can’t see friend request?